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Six week Plan to get Lean Muscles

1st Week - Cut down carbs to half

The body relies on fat for energy when the carb intake is reduced. So you have a hint to cut down your carbs drastically by half of usual diet for at least four days with your regular workout
Also, note if you are looking to build lean muscle simultaneously, you need to keep a check on calories you are consuming. Consume enough calories for workout, else you will end up burning up your muscles.

Following a lower-carb diet for too long can backfire for some, decreasing leptin levels and slowing the metabolism, so strictly return to your regular portions after four days. 
Adding carb back to your diet after 4 days shoots up leptin levels and, therefore, your metabolism. 

In addition to this, it becomes more efficient at storing carbohydrate as muscle glycogen, key for pushing through your workouts with the type of intensity you need to promote growth. Glycogen not only boost up your training but it also acts as an anabolic stimulus, which allows the body to retain muscle even as you attempt to shred away a few extra pounds. And because it pulls water into the muscles with it, it makes them fuller and larger.

The second step would be to elevate your GH status. To make it simple and to get your hormones working in your favor, avoid all carbohydrates foods from the night meal(everyday) to slash calories. When you go to bed with a lower blood-sugar level your body is more apt to increase its production of growth hormone (GH), which accelerates fat loss by mildly increasing the metabolism and thus boosting up the muscle growth.

2nd Week: Turn up to casual cardio

The reality is, you don’t require a lot of cardio to burn the fat if your diet is perfect. Losing fat is the final result of what you eat and how much you eat, balanced with hardcore weight training. Though, cardio certainly is placed as a catalyst.
This week, do only two moderate sessions of cardio, of approx. 30-40 minutes. That’s enough to facilitate fat loss. Remember, you are a human & the body isn’t a machine. If you try to forceful fat cut-off, it can backfire, with the body downgrading its metabolism and the amount of calories it burns in response to exercise and diet.

By the second week, after you’ve cut carbs and increased your cardio, the body will start to look for alternatives to body fat for fuel.  You can reduce that effect by increasing your regular protein intake by 50 grams per day. Either get a protein shake for yourself or add chicken breast to your diet. Remember this to take after a post work out!

You can also add a BCAA  before and during training sessions. This can help in muscle recovery & synthesise proteins in your body.

3rd Week: Look for natural fat burners

While continuing your regular workout, look out for some natural fat burners such as Green Tea, black coffee, hot water & Lime water with honey in your diet. these will help in burning fat & bring you in a lean mode, with having your workout.

With the half week left, get on really low carb diet. When you start this, your body will perceive this as a threat & will look out for other sources of fuel, fat being the chief of the sources.

4th Week: Get on crazy cardio

Now, its time to add 30-40 minutes of cardio & high intensity weight training sessions to your work-out plans. Remember not to get exerted by your workouts, else too much high-intensity cardio can kill testosterone levels, which could halt muscle growth and slow metabolism.

5th Week: Cheat day

With the continuation of 4th week strategy, add a cheat day to it. Cheating definitely has its place any time you’re trying to get lean, but the type of cheating we’re referring to won’t wreck your momentum. 

This week, on your first higher-carb day, have a burger, a couple of slices of pizza or a single slice of cake. In the grand scheme of things, the extra 500-700 calories won’t put a dent in your progress. By this time you’ll have already peeled away 5-9 pounds of bodyfat and your metabolism will be working at a roadrunner’s pace.

This week, simply add 50% more sets to your typical training plan. Doing 12 sets per bodypart? Go up to 18. You can add sets to your current exercises or tack an additional 1-2 exercises onto your plan. Keep reps higher, in the 10-15 range. 

6th Week: Add breaks to your workout week

Now its time to look for heal ups & look for gains. Take a break for 3 days in a week and look your gains!


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